Magnet Foundation Newsletter: Winter 2017
Action Alert: The 2017-18 MCPS Budget includes proposed cuts that may affect the Magnet - please contact your representatives!
Winter 2016-17 News:
Foundation News: 2016 fundraising and grants; new initiatives for 2017
Magnet News: Science Talent Search, math competitions, and more
Alumni News: New roles, new research, and new books and interviews
Matías Duarte: A distinguished alumnus speaks with seniors about design at Google
Science Talent Search Success: Looking back on the Magnet's Science Talent Search winners
2017-18 MCPS Budget Cuts: How to get involved in advocating for the Magnet
Silver Chips shares student perspectives on politics and the presidential election:
Who can you trust?: The rise of fake news means you can’t believe everything you read
Deciding the presidency based on 538 people: Why the Electoral College is no longer necessary, relevant or fair
'Nasty Women' storm the capital: Over 500,000 gathered in D.C. to protest Trump
For up-to-date news, like the Magnet Foundation on Facebook and follow Magnet and alumni news on Twitter (@blairmagnet and @blairmagnetalum).