Magnet Alumni News: Winter 2022

Alumni Headlines:

Academic News:

Scientific Journal Publications:

Medical Research:

Economics and Policy Research:

Arts and Entertainment:

Science and Tech News:

  • Lorrie Cranor '89 shared recommendations for good passwords at The Conversation.

  • Samit Dasgupta '95 talked about his family and his mathematics research with My Kolkata.

  • Simeon Kakpovi '14 presented on Microsoft's analysis of Iranian ransomware at CyberWarCon 2021. (CSO)

  • Michelle McGhee '14 helped to create a data visualization on food allergies at The Pudding.

Pandemic Perspectives:

  • Craig Rice ‘90 talked about his experience in a Germantown hospital during the recent COVID wave. (WUSA9)

  • Jonah Berger ‘98 shared his marketing research explaining why free covid tests went viral. (New York Times)

  • Margot Zarin-Pass '06 talked about her experience parenting in the pandemic. (New York Times)

  • Prayag Gordy ‘20 wrote about Rice University’s delayed return to campus after winter break. (the Rice Thresher)

  • Aviva Bechky ‘21 wrote about how international students planned to spend winter break while navigating quarantine requirements. (The Daily Northwestern)

Political Perspectives:

  • Aaron Klein ‘94 testified at a Congressional hearing on policies to help the unbanked and underbanked. (Brookings Institution)

  • Drew Linzer '94 shared survey results showing on the political attitudes of Millennial and Gen Z Americans. (Time)

  • Gautam Mukunda '97 wrote about leadership on climate change. (Forbes)

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