Magnet Foundation News: Winter 2009

Action Alert: The Superintendent's 2011 Operating Budget Proposal recommends a countywide reduction in special program staffing. The proposal also includes a list of potential major reductions, including a 20% reduction in magnet teaching staff, the elimination of magnet buses, and a reduction in stipends for extracurricular activities. If you are interested in speaking out against these proposed cuts, please e-mail

Through the fall of 2009, the Foundation has been active in networking with alumni, reaching out to the community, and working with the Magnet's new coordinator.

The Foundation decided to support two major activities this quarter:

    • The Foundation covered the travel and registration expenses for two students and the full expenses for one chaperone attending the SC09 Conference

    • In partnership with the Magnet Program and the University of Maryland, the Foundation is providing volunteer support for Middle School math education in a pilot program at Parkland Middle School