Magnet Alumni News: Spring 2022
Daniel Zhu '19 was named a Putnam Fellow for the second time, part of the winning team from MIT.
Timothy Qian '21 (MIT) and Dilhan Salgado '19 (CMU) won Honorable Mention. (pdf)
Jackson Reynolds '18 (UMD), Chris Tong '21 (MIT), Gabriel Wu '21 (Harvard), and Kevin Zhou '19 (CMU) scored in the top 500. (pdf)
Academic Awards and Scholarships:
Grace Brannigan '96 won a Rutgers-Camden Chancellor's Award.
Yevgeny Brudno '00 won a Goodnight Early Career Innovator Award at NC State.
Abigail Fraeman '05 received a NASA Early Career Award.
NSF Graduate Research Fellowships were awarded to Anna Barth '17 (Harvey Mudd/Cornell), Andrew Komo '18 (MIT), Caleb Robelle '17 (UMBC/MIT), and Noah Singer '18 (Harvard/CMU).
Goldwater Scholarships were awarded to Jonah Nan '19 (U.Mich.), Patrick Kim '19 (UMD), and Daniel Schaffer '19 (@CMUCompBio).
Scientific Journal Publications:
M. Skirpan, et al., and Lorrie Cranor ‘89, Is a privacy crisis experienced, a privacy crisis avoided? (Communications of the ACM)
I.J. Viegas, et al., Samie Jaffrey ‘89, and L.M. Figuerido, N 6-methyladenosine in poly(A) tails stabilize VSG transcripts (Nature)
A.R. Carlson, et al., incl. Miranda Mockrin ‘95, The wildland-urban interface in the United States based on 125 million building locations (Ecological Applications)
Amir Caspi ‘96, et al., Small Satellite Mission Concepts for Space Weather Research and as Pathfinders for Operations (Space Weather)
R. Lohia, M.E.B. Hansen, and Grace Brannigan ‘96, Contiguously hydrophobic sequences are functionally significant throughout the human exome (Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences)
C.I. Jahn and Timothy Buschman ‘97, In V1, attending is not learning to see (Neuron)
N. Mohebbi, et al., and David Hu ‘97, The Scaling of Olfaction: Moths have Relatively More Olfactory Surface Area than Mammals (Integrative and Comparative Biology)
Luke Bergmann ‘98, et al., Mapping Agricultural Lands: From Conventional to Regenerative (Land)
A.J. Campbell, Elinor Lichtenberg ‘99, et al., High bee functional diversity buffers crop pollination services against Amazon deforestation (Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment)
P. Agarwalla, et al., and Yevgeny Brudno ‘00, Bioinstructive implantable scaffolds for rapid in vivo manufacture and release of CAR-T cells (Nature Biotechnology)
S.V. Sam and Andrew Snowden ‘00, SP-equivariant modules over polynomial rings in infinitely many variables (Trans. Amer. Math. Soc.)
Anuj Shah ‘01 and M. LaForest, Knowledge about others reduces one’s own sense of anonymity (Nature)
B. Zhang, et al., and Rahul Satija ‘02, Characterizing cellular heterogeneity in chromatin state with scCUT&Tag-pro (Nature Biotechnology)
Ning Bao ‘04, et al., Magic state distillation from entangled states (Physical Review A)
Anthony Burnetti ‘07 and W.C. Ratliff, Experimental evolution is not just for model organisms (PLOS One)
J. de Hond, et al., incl. William Cody Burton ‘08, Preparation of the Spin-Mott State: A Spinful Mott Insulator of Repulsively Bound Pairs (Physical Review Letters)
B.F. Miller, et al., and Jean Fan '09, Reference-free cell type deconvolution of multi-cellular pixel-resolution spatially resolved transcriptomics data (Nature Communications)
C.J. Argue '11, et al., Robust Secretary and Prophet Algorithms for Packing Integer Programs (ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms)
C. Chia, Bart Machielse '12, et al., Development of hard masks for reactive ion beam angled etching of diamond (Optics Express)
J. Bayless, P. Kinlaw, and Jared Duker Lichtman ‘14, Higher Mertens constants for almost primes (Journal of Number Theory)
Avikar Periwal ‘14, et al., Programmable interactions and emergent geometry in an array of atom clouds (Nature)
Michael Winer ‘15 and B. Swingle, Spontaneous symmetry breaking, spectral statistics, and the ramp (Physical Review B)
Caitlyn Singam '16, A Novel Alternative to Bundle Protocol for Handling Data Transmission Across Disruption-Tolerant Networks (Space Operations)
Medical Research Publications:
W. Wu, et al., and David Weinstock '90, Overcoming IMiD resistance in T-cell lymphomas through potent degradation of ZFP91 and IKZF1 (Blood)
M. Earnest, Wendy Madigosky ‘91, et al., Validity evidence for using an online peer-assessment tool (CATME) to assess individual contributions to interprofessional student teamwork in a longitudinal team-based learning course (J. Interprofessional Care)
Jeremy Ackerman ‘92, Tactical Emergency Casualty Care and the Art of Practicing Nonmaleficence in Harm’s Way (AMA Journal of Ethics)
H.A. Robbins, et al., and Hormuzd Katki ‘92, Management of Lung Cancer Screening Results Based on Individual Prediction of Current and Future Lung Cancer Risks (J. Thoracic Oncology)
W.C. Dube, et al., Joshua Weitz ‘93, and S.K. Fridkin, Quantifying Risk for SARS-CoV-2 Infection Among Nursing Home Workers for the 2020-2021 Winter Surge of the COVID-19 Pandemic in Georgia, USA (J. American Medical Directors)
L. Bowleg, et al., and Cheriko Boone ‘96, Ending the HIV epidemic for all, not just some: structural racism as a fundamental but overlooked social-structural determinant of the US HIV epidemic (Curr. Opin. HIV and AIDS)
Byron Drumheller ‘02, et al., Severe bradycardia from severe hyperkalemia: Patient characteristics, outcomes and factors associated with hemodynamic support (Am. J. Emerg. Med.)
J.M. Zhu, et al., Ximena Levander ‘02, and S.C. Lin, Trends In Outpatient Mental Health Services Use Before And During The COVID-19 Pandemic (Health Affairs)
Y. Levin, et al., and Michael Sidorov ‘03, Evaluation of electroencephalography biomarkers for Angelman syndrome during overnight sleep (Autism Research)
Sarah Peitzmeier ‘06, et al., Adapting an evidence-based sexual assault prevention intervention for women undergraduates for online delivery (Injury Prevention)
Cynthia Xu ‘08, et al., Assessments of Microvascular Function in Organ Systems (Heart and Circulatory Physiology)
All the Rage by Rosamond King '92 is a finalist for a Lambda Literary Award.
Nicholas Goedert ‘97 has published Ground War: Commissions, and the Fight over Partisan Gerrymanders.
Gautam Mukunda ‘97 will publish a new book in the fall: Picking Presidents: How to Make the Most Consequential Decision in the World.
Women and Other Monsters by Jess Zimmerman '97 is now available in paperback.
Alex Epstein '98 is publishing a new book: Fossil Future.
Wilma Bainbridge ‘05 is the co-editor of a new book on Visual Memory.
Lorrie Cranor '89 was interviewed about Android app privacy labels in the Washington Post.
Craig Rice '90 shared the County Council's views in a WTOP story about the return of police officers to MCPS campuses.
Aaron Klein '94 was quoted in a Washington Post story about economic uncertainty. He was named one of Washingtonian Magazine's 500 Most Influential People.
Drew Linzer ‘94 joined a new podcast at Daily Kos to talk about political polling.
Jonah Berger '98 was interviewed for the Knowledge at Wharton podcast about The Science of Blockbusters: What Makes a Good Story?
Alexander Berengaut '99 was interviewed by the National Law Journal on A Lawyer's Role at the Intersection of Data, the Government and the First Amendment.
Elizabeth Green '02 was interviewed about her role as a co-founder of Chalkbeat for an episode of the documentary series Visionaries on PBS.
Marie Cohen, mother of Michael Cohen '10, was interviewed in the Washington Post about her campaign for awareness of Type 1 diabetes after Michael's death in 2017.
Michael Winer '15 was interviewed about Growing into a Physicist at UMD.
Campus Journalism:
Prayag Gordy '20, Rice cancels remaining publics as Covid cases surge (Rice Thresher)
Khushboo Rathore '20, ‘Turning Red’ delights, but some characters feel two-dimensional (The Diamondback)
Sophia Weng '20, The Diverse Femininity of Disney Princesses (Harvard Political Review)
Aviva Bechky '21, Teaching religious diversity: Evanston students, educators reflect on how schools discuss religion in light of new law (Daily Northwestern)
Anika Seth '21, South Asian students speak on identity, belonging at Yale (Yale Daily News)
Valentina Simon '21, Yale researchers map gene regulation in tissue using novel sequencing technology (Yale Daily News)