Foundation Grant History
2023-24 School Year:
NCSSSS Conference (Nov. 2023): $900
COMAP Math Modeling Competition (Nov. 2023): $1,200
Vernier chemistry lab equipment (Dec. 2023): $2,900
Magnet Class of '24 mugs (Jan. 2024): $400
InvenTable and Raspberry Pi equipment (Feb. 2024): $2,000
MBMT (Feb. 2024): $3,600
Blair STEM Night (Feb. 2024, @blairprincipal): $800
Eclipse Glasses (Apr. 2024, Silver Chips): $2,700
Matlab license (Apr. 2024): $500
Science Olympiad (May 2024): $870
Silver Quest (June 2024): $3,000
Silver Quill (June 2024): $800
Quiz Bowl NAQT National Championship (June 2024): $2,700
Blair green space (June 2024): $730
Chemistry sensors (June 2024): $2,200
Physics photoelectic equipment (June 2024): $290
Robotics class (June 2024): $1,500 (IEEE Robot Challenge)
ARML 2024 (June 2024): $5,300
2022-23 School Year:
R&E Laser Cutter (Aug. 2022): $3,400
BlairHacks (Sept. 2022): $1,500
Entomology Conference (Sept. 2022): $1,500
Back-to-School Breakfast (Sept. 2022): $1,000
Biology supplies and equipment (Oct. 2022): $1,100
Cup of Java (Oct. 2022): $180
Forensics Skull kit (Nov. 2022): $320
CPR Training (Jan. 2023): $100
COMAP HiMCM (Jan. 2023): $900
HOSA Conference (Feb. 2023): $2,200
Math Honors Society STEM Night (Feb. 2023): $100
STEM Fair (Feb. 2023): $1,200
Bunny Bots (Mar. 2023): $560
Entomology platform (Apr. 2023): $900
MBMT (Apr. 2023): $3,900
Science Olympiad Team (Apr. 2023): $475
Quiz Bowl 2023 National Championship Tournament (May 2023): $1200
Montgomery County ARML Team (June 2023): $1000
Math Department TI-84 calculators (x100) and chargers (x10) (June 2023): $13,400
Code Girls (Aug. 2023): $2,000
2021-22 School Year:
Blair staff back-to-school breakfast (Sept. 2021): $2,000
CoMAP registration (Nov. 2021): $600
Bunnybots (Jan. 2022): $2,200
Raspberry Pi kits (Jan. 2022): $2,000
Rent-a-Coop (Feb. 2022): $240
Silver Quest (Jun. 2022): $2,400
R&E Band Saw and Sander (Jun. 2022): $3,800
HOSA Conference (Jun. 2022): $1,400
Math Dept. Book Club (Aug. 2022): $680
MBHS Code Girls (Aug. 2022): $1,800
Math Team MBMT/ARML (Aug. 2022): $5,600
2020-21 School Year:
Minitab software license (Aug. 2020): $960
Arduino Kits (Sept. 2020): $3,600
Organic chemistry models (Sept. 2020) : $720
History Bowl team (Nov. 2020): $1,000
MathWorks High School Modeling Contest (Dec. 2020): $600
External hard drive for video lectures (Mar. 2021): $80
Race and STEM curriculum development (Silver Chips) (Apr. 2021): $500
Silver Quest printing and postage (June 2020): $1,100
ARML registration (Sept. 2021): $330
2019-20 School Year:
mBIT Tournament (Nov. 2019): $500
Mu Alpha Theta STEM Night (@blairmathrocks) (Nov. 2019): $300
MathWorks High School Modeling Contest (Nov. 2019): $1,000
December 2019: Blair Alumni 80/20 Celebration (Dec. 2019): $1,000
Robotics Team BunnyBots Competition (YouTube) (Dec. 2019): $940
Teacher Luncheon (Jan. 2020): $690
Pi Day (March 2020:): $180
Silver Quest Adobe license (May 2020): $125
Science Olympiad Team (July 2020): $780
2018-19 School Year:
2017-18 School Year:
2016-17 School Year:
2015-16 School Year:
2014-15 School Year:
2013-14 School Year:
2012-13 School Year:
2011-12 School Year:
2010-11 School Year:
2009-10 School Year:
2008-09 School Year: